Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Staples out!!! Third post op visit

Dan had his third post-op visit today and the best part was that they removed his staples! Anyone who has had staples after surgery knows that days before the date when they are to be removed they become the main issue in your mind. They pull anytime you move, they hurt. So today was a good day! Dan said he immediately felt better...

We also found out the 'protocol' for the f word (flu x 2= H1N1 and seasonal). He can't have the immunizations because, in Dr. wolf's words, "it would be like giving you saline" So the plan will be to avoid crowds for at least 3 months and if someone is coughing where he is, run like hell! No, not really, but almost. He shouldn't go into the dining room a Tierra if someone has been coughing and he should go places at off times -like the movies (matinee) or Starbucks (2 pm). What that means for us is that he probably will come back to work in the kitchen first and work in the dining room on slow nights.

It was information we needed to get and it is okay. He has his future back and I got my husband for many years to come thanks to the gift Kathie gave us. It's awesome!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think of you everyday and keep on sending up prayers. Miss you in a very good way. Will see you soon at your restaurant. Love to you and your love ones, Van & Holly