Friday, May 16, 2008

Calling all Type Os

Dan’s blood type is O+. For an O patient, only another O person is a possible donor. For organ transplantation a positive or negative blood type is okay.

Dan has one sibling who is Type B, therefore not a possible donor. I am Type A, again not a possible donor. He has had two friends go on through the physical part of the matching process for a kidney transplant only to have them find out they had health issues of their own.

What Dan needs is a Type O person who would be willing to go through the screening process to become a living donor and give Dan the gift of life.

1 comment:

Melissa Swanson said...

I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. Have you tried I am about to donate a kidney to someone I met there. You can read our story at my blog:
I wish you the best of luck!